The research work has been and remains one of the priority directions of activity of our educational institution since its foundation.

Scientific work at the university is carried out at the expense of the state budget, state contracts and grants.

Since October 2002, the university has been included in the State Register of Scientific Institutions, which is supported by the state.

Scientific activities are carried out by scientific groups of departments and separate scientific divisions: Research Institute of Problems of Modeling of Multilateral Systems, 17 Research Laboratories (NDL), 6 Scientific and Training Centers.

Since the very first days of its existence, our educational institution has established itself as the center of science and education in the Vinnitsa region, a generator of scientific and technical ideas and inventions, the developer of new educational technologies.

In different years, the leadership of the implementation of research at the educational institution was also carried out by the vice-rectors: Tkachenko S.Y., Osadchuk VS and Yuhimchuk S.V., Grabko V.V.