The general technical faculty of Kyiv Institute of Food Industry was created in Vinnytsia in 1960. One year later it became the part of the Kyiv Polytechnic Institute (KPI), on the basis of which the Vinnytsia branch of KPI was established in a year.

The decision of Vinnytsia Regional Council of People.s Deputies provided 25 hectares lot for establishing polytechnic higher educational institution in Vinnytsia, and in 1967 there had been built two educational buildings and the first students. dorm with some utility premises.
Today there are 12 buildings, 6 of which are united by the corridors into unique complex, the stadium with covered running-tracks, underground track-and-field hall, 12 open air playing grounds, 7 students. dorms, sanatorium-preventorium for students. sanitary assistance and a students. restaurant, providing delicious dinners for students and University staff.
In 1974, Vinnytsia Polytechnic Institute . the seventh in Ukraine in this group of educational establishments, was established on the base of Vinnytsia branch of KPI.
20 years later, in 1994, Vinnytsia Polytechnic Institute was reorganized into Vinnytsia Sate Technical University to implement one of the regulations of the program for entering the international educational environment and for ensuring the adequate to the Western Universities education standard. In 2004 the University was given the status of the National University. Vinnytsia National Technical University (VNTU) is very well known today both in Ukraine and abroad for it trains specialists for almost 70 countries in Europe, Asia, Africa and South America for about 20 years.
Former rector of the University, Dr. Mokin, professor is a full member of the State Academy of Pedagogical Sciences, number of public Academies, Meritorious Worker of Science and Engineering of Ukraine.

Within 1960 . 1976 the Institute was run by the Meritorious Worker of Public Education of Ukraine, Roman Kigel . Cand. Sc. in economics, Professor, in 1976 . 1989 . by the Meritorious Worker of Science and Engineering of Ukrainian SSR, Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor, Ivan V. Kuzmin.
Roman Kigel founded the Institute, established it on the basis of polytechnic Institute, started eleven specialities and set up 1/3 of its material resources.
Ivan V. Kuzmin developed the University up to the level of the leading higher educational institutions of Ukraine, started 5 more specialities and set up the second half of its material resources.
Borys I. Mokin changed Polytechnic Institute into the Technical University, acquired the status of the national University, integrated it into the system of European and world higher education, started 15 more specialities and is constantly improving the University material recourses.
VNTU today is the largest technical University in Podillya economic region, which includes three administrative oblasts, the only Ukrainian representative in IFIA . International Federation of Inventors Association with the center in Geneva. University is one of the few Ukrainian Universities to join the International Association of Universities and is not only the educational and scientific center, but the cultural center in the region which trains students according to its specific curricula and educates following the own educational conception.
The University with the specific impartial system for recruiting first year students and efficient system for training the scientific staff with higher qualification, which has no analogues in Ukrainian Universities.
The University has Center for Gender Studies, created on the initiative and direct financial support of United Nations Organization.
Modern polygraphic facilities enable efficient and qualitative issuing of textbooks and monographs.
The University staff operates selflessly and patriotically in all the University divisions.
The University trade union and bodies of students. self governance are with wide authorities, the activity of which enhances the democratic processes among the University staff.
Considering the great achievements in the sphere of students. self governance as well as the prospects in further deepening the students. authorities in VNTU, in 2004 the Expert Council of TEMPUS TASIS accepted the project on the development of students. self governance, submitted by the International Consortium including Vinnytsia National Technical University, Cherkasy National University named after Bohdan Khmelnytskyy, Kyiv International University, Students Union under the President of Ukraine, National Union of Students (England) and the University of Dunkerque (France).
The year of 2004 was the remarkable for the University, as it celebrated the 44-th anniversary of its foundation, the 30-th anniversary of its independence as Vinnytsia Polytechnic Institute, the 10-th anniversary of creating Vinnytsia State Technical University and the 1-st anniversary of receiving the status of National University.